Saturday 30 November 2013

THE POROSITY OF OUR MEDIA AND THE SINKING SHADES OF THE 21ST CENTURY MEDIA 'GALAMSAYING' Exceptional Motivational Speaker Jeremiah Buabeng wrote something on his which indeed keeps hunting my inner-most part and as a result my daily nightmares of the cancerous tribute grinding us down in the grinding miller of catastrophy.... Jeremiah states and I quote, "To the media, good news is no news. We are in our 20's doing awesome things with our gifts and talents. Media won't talk about us. Let a 25 year old rob a bank and it will be headline news and the adults will join and berate young people of today for being misguided. What kind of unfairness is that"?? This is how far pathetically the media landscaping of our nation have resulted in. Now do we as a nation and a people actually understand, appreciate and value the adages of our lands? The akan proverbial adage stipulates emphantically that, "it is worthless appreciating a dead corpse with a casket, when in contention no food was graced to it lively body sometime ago." Today, the appalling media fracture in terms demonic politicisation have dealt a big blow to the instinctive reasoning aroma of this beloved nation of ours. The media "surface mining" and "galamsaying" have resulted in what Jeremiah laid emphasis on. It is this same media "galamsaying" that have and is still perpetuating our sinking in the deep waters of retrogression. Can't this media our ours at least appreciate the worth, altruistic and overwhelming achievements of our future leaders?? What good will it do for us as a people if this trend of media "galamsaying" and parrotic propagandry continues to linger on?? The souls and spiritual fortification of tomorrows' leaders of this country is on the high table in the abatoir to be slaughtered like a sacrificial lamb. Whilst this negativity in terms of the youth are constantly headlined in the media enclave, the 'outside force' who have persistently sought for our 'pit trapping' keeps believing the impression that indeed the people of Africa are synonymous to 'infertile virgin lands'. What the media outfits must take a pictorial and closer look at is the negative as well the affirmative impression they create to the outside community about this beloved nation of ours. Whether we striving hard to put the youth of this nation in better position to manage the affairs of this nation is one thing we must all be made aware of. The same as whether this nation would be left im the safest pair of hands when the older generation vacat the role of as leaders. Ending, we must as a people and media megabytes always be reminded and guided by the statement of Ghana's first president and Africas' foremost Pan-africanist Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah which stipulates, "The blackman is capable of managing his own affairs without any forth arm aid."

Friday 11 March 2011

The Politics of "Blindness"

"An animal that will bite you will never show you it teeth" saith the adage. This adage has really opened my eyes and made my fully concious about politics. Politics which with the notion of serving as a plaform and an avenue where citizens concerns are to be taken into consideration and geared towards assisting them, has now change into "blindness". Political leaders who want power do come in sheep clothing and mount platforms pleading like "beggers" all in the name of vote for me. Often they come in the manner of a "lamb" ready to used as a holy sacrifice. After they have been given the mandate what do we see. All the ernomous promises they gave will be left behind, the welfare of the citizens becomes an old rag for them. Eh! What a world...their flat bellies just turns portruded like "pregnant fish", forgetting their humble beginings still remains in the minds of the people. This proves the adage afforementioned to be significant, thus, we live in a world of political dimensions but entails with a hidden notion of "Politricks". Africans have suffer alot and are still suffering and it is time all corrupt and real "Politricians" get eradicated from this continent of ours. The woeful thing is that, the so called politicians do use the mass media to tell lies oh! No wonder their mouth is full of sweet "big words" but deep within their ideological concept they are into blinding their citizens. But lets not forget that, "a blind man can not lead a blind man" otherwise they are eventually heading towards the big pit. It is no surprising at all as most African countries upon all efforts made by citizens have failed to progress but move from one head crash to another. They sing in sweet melodious tunes as if they are into real politics but their paramount motive is into real "politricks". This i call politics of "blindness".

Tuesday 8 March 2011

We are the "Driver's" of our own lives.

Sometimes Life tends to control us more extremely than we do. But lets not forget that we are the ones that dream and aspire what we desire in life. What we dream of is what we dig and fish out to find. A life as compared to a vehicle, must have exceptional and well informed driver. Life without a controller is likened to a car without a head light. Considering this scenario, what shall be the outcome...tragedy...the dreams, aspiration and desires we think of in life is the lincense, road worth and passengers. Without good direction we are likely to hit and crash our lives with obstacles that come our way. Choosing what we want and making efforts to achieve it is like picking passengers by the roadside and making tremendous effort for a safe journey...

We are the "Driver's" of our life.

Sometimes Life tends to control us more extremely than we do. But lets not forget that we are the ones that dream and aspire what we desire in life. What we dream of is what we dig and fish out to find. A life as compared to a vehicle, must have exceptional and well informed driver. Life without a controller is likened to a car without a head light. Considering this scenario, what shall be the outcome...tragedy...the dreams, aspiration and desires we think of in life is the lincense, road worth and passengers. Without good direction we are likely to hit and crash our lives with obstacles that come our way. Choosing what we want and making efforts to achieve it is like picking passengers by the roadside and making tremendous effort for a safe journey...